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The 2020's: What I am leaving behind and what I am taking with me into 2025

Writer's picture: shellypoeshellypoe

Look up the word superstitious in the dictionary and it's my face that you will see, that being said, the early 2020's have been a beating and I have been taking zero chances when it comes to bad luck. I am very careful not to break mirrors, or walk under a ladder or open an umbrealla indoors. I have even contimplated on if I have been cursed, half kidding half not, because way too much life has happened in the past 5 years, all to be followed with the phrase "This too shall pass" in an effort to try and stay positive and think that, for certain, none of this can last forever.

Within all of this I have tried to be honest with myself and realize that all of this life that has happened in the past 5 years has infact taken a toll on how I want to run my business. I came into photography wanting to tell people's stories through photography and to create images that not only fulfill my heart but also fulfill the hearts of my clients. After my mom got sick again a few years ago, I struggled to want to capture any maternal photos because I had to face the idea of if she passed away. After my sister passed away, I struggled wanting to celebrate life. Her death was so messy and it was hard for me to understand that death is not always noble in the aftermath. I have also struggled with my health for years but it reached an apex in 2024 that has taken me down physically and emotionally. Long Story short, too much life has made it hard to celebrate life.

The funny thing is, as messy and hard as life has seemed the past 5 years, this past round of illness that left me in a position where alot of what I have been doing is having to rest alot and watch the development on the outside world. Honestly at first it was depressing, I enjoy adventure and living my life. I spentt my early 20s traveling as much as I could and our general current family is spent going to all of the events and sports that we can cram into each day. Having to rest has seemed foreign to me in the past but this round of rest has restored my curiousity and drive into finding beauty in absolutely everything and understanding that not every story is pretty and perfect but every story still has art and emotion and everyone still has a story to be told.

Full, albeit very long, circle moments where I know my purpose in my photography and my pain does not mean that others' stories do not need to be told because I struggled to put myself in that narrative. Not only is this exciting in just being able to see the photos I take in the way my heart has yearned to see them again but it is also helping me find the beauty in my own personal world.

As I have been resting I have been so excited to make my plan for 2025 and beyond in photography and realize that life can't always hold me down. I will be continuing Dance Photography, as I love the limitless movement and posing and stories that dance photography brings in itself but I am also jumping back into lifestyle photography again as well. I am setting up mini sessions and streamlining my work to tell all of the stories I can, both physically and emotionally.

In November I will be releasing a look into 2025 sessions and ways to book that will make booking and communication so much easier as well as adding in more personalized sessions into the year. Just as we grow through our life experiences, my photography is also growing through my life experiences. I am so excited to be coming back with an open heart and mind and to be able to continue telling everyone's stories as I leave all of what held me back in the early 2020s and to be able to jump into 2025 and beyond with and open heart and mind.

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